
Friday, October 12, 2012

Blogger: User Profile: sownar

Blogger: User Profile: sownar

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У нас есть возможность и воля предложить миру объединяющий его проект.. Комментарии : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников

У нас есть возможность и воля предложить миру объединяющий его проект.. Комментарии : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Brooklyn Physics help

Email: admin@TutorState.com

Phone: 1-718-223-0228

Location: Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY

Practice Exam: Vectors, Motion

  1. Vector A : A X =0N; A Y =3N; A Z =0N;
    Vector B : B X =0m; B Y =0m; B Z =4m;
    C = A x B ;
    C X =?
    C Y =?
    C Z =?
    |C| = ?
    Symbol | . | means the absolute value or the magnitude.
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
    What is the angle between the vector C and the vector A ?
    What is the angle between the vector C and the vector B ?
  2. Vector A : A X =0N; A Y =3N; A Z =0N;
    Vector B : B X =0m; B Y =0m; B Z =4m;
    c = A B = ?
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
  3. Vector A : A X =0m; A Y =3m; A Z =0m;
    Vector B : B X =0m; B Y =0m; B Z =4m;
    C = A + B ;
    C X =?
    C Y =?
    C Z =?
    |C| = ?
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
  4. Vector A : A X =0m; A Y =3m; A Z =0m;
    Vector B : B X =0m; B Y =0m; B Z =4m;
    C = A B ;
    C X =?
    C Y =?
    C Z =?
    |C| = ?
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
  5. Vector A : A X =0N; A Y =0N; A Z =3N;
    Vector B : B X =0m; B Y =4m; B Z =0m;
    C = A x B ;
    C X =?
    C Y =?
    C Z =?
    |C| = ?
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
  6. Vector A : A X =0N; A Y =0N; A Z =3N;
    Vector B : B X =0m; B Y =0m; B Z =4m;
    c = A B = ?
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
  7. Vector A : A X =3N; A Y =4N; A Z =0N;
    Vector B : B X =0m; B Y =0m; B Z =5m;
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
  8. Vector A : A X =3N; A Y =4N; A Z =5N;
    Vector B : B X =6m; B Y =8m; B Z =10m;
    C = A x B ;
    C X =?
    C Y =?
    C Z =?
    |C| = ?
    What is the angle between the vector A and the vector B ?
  9. Vector A : A X =3N; A Y =4N; A Z =0N;
    m =2 kg;
    C = A / m ;
    C X =?
    C Y =?
    C Z =?
    |C| = ?
    What is the angle between the vector C and the vector A ?
  10. The initial position of a free falling body: X=0m; Y=20m; Z=0m.
    Y -axis is directed vertically up.
    Y=0m is the ground level.
    The initial velocity is V : V X =4 m/s; V Y =10 m/s; V Z =3 m/s.
    Use g=10m/s 2
    1) V F is the final velocity of the free falling body just before it collide the ground (Y=0).
    V FX = ?
    V FY = ?
    V FZ = ?
    2) V A is the average velocity for the total falling time?
    V AX = ?
    V AY = ?
    V AZ = ?
    3) What is the distance between the starting, initial point and the final, ground level point?
    4) Write mathematical operation in form of some Calculus expression, which allow to calculate the average speed for this problem. It is not necessary to solve this expression.
  11. Let we know:
    a) the initial position x 0 =1m of some material point in the X- axis,
    b) the initial speed V 0 X = 2m/s of this point, and
    c) the acceleration a X of this point depend on time as: a X =3m/s 3 ×t , where time t is in seconds.
    1) Find position x (t) and velocity V X (t) of this material point as functions of time t .
    2) Find the velocity of this material point V X (x) as a function of coordinate x .
  12. Let we know
    a) the initial position x 0 =1m of some material point in the X -axis,
    b) the initial speed V 0 X = 2m/s of this point, and
    c) how the acceleration of this point depend on its position x : a X =3/s 2 x , where x is in meters.
    1) Find the position x (t) of this material point as a function of time t .
    2)Find the velocity V X (t) of this material body as a function of time t
    3) Find the velocity V X (x) of this material body as a function of coordinate x
  13. A material point traveling in a circle with a constant speed of 6 m/s has a centripetal acceleration of 2 m/s 2 . What is the radius of the circle?
  14. A free falling body A is released from the rest.
    A free falling body B is released at the same time however with the initial horizontal velocity of 4 m/s.
    What are speeds of the falling bodies A and B after 0.3 s (Use g=10 m/s 2 )?
    |V A|=?
    |V B|=?
  15. A free falling body A is released from the rest.
    A free falling body B is released at the same time however with the initial vertical velocity of 4 m/s up.
    1) What are speeds of the falling bodies A and B after 0.3 s (Use g=10 m/s 2 )?
    |V A|=?
    |V B|=?
    2) What is the distance between the falling bodies A and B after 0.3 s (Use g=10m/s)?

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Best Private Tutoring

GED (General Educational Development) Test Tutor: 718-223-0228, admin@TutorState.com

Small Group Tutoring Services in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Statistics: TutorState.com

One-on-one and in small groups (3-5 students).


Locations of Small-Group Tutoring Centers:

  1. Brooklyn (16th Ave & 76th St, Brooklyn, NY)
  2. Staten Island

The first small-group tutoring lesson is free.

To apply for small-group private tutor call:
  1. Mathematics: 917-318- 2427
  2. Physics and Earth Science: 718-223-0228
  3. Chemistry, Biology, and Environment Science: 646-338-5121

Friday, August 31, 2012

Tutoring for Bright Kids

Tutoring for Bright Kids

Regents, SAT, MCAT, and AP Test Preparation

Small Groups (5 Students)

Location: 16th Ave & 76th St, Brooklyn, NY

One Lesson: 6 hours, $50.

The first lesson is free.

Lesson structure:

  1. Lecture (2 hours)
  2. Recitation (2 hours)
  3. Test (2 hours)


  • Mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry, ...)
  • Physics
  • Earth Science
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Environment Science


  • Mathematics: 917-318-2427
  • Physics and Earth Science: 718-223-0228
  • Chemistry, Biology, and Environment Science: 646-338-5121

Email: admin@TutorState.com

Monday, August 20, 2012

Brooklyn Small Group Tutoring

Brooklyn Small Group Tutoring

Regents, SAT, MCAT, and AP Test Preparation

Small Groups (5 Students)

Location: 16th Ave & 76th St, Brooklyn, NY

One Lesson: 6 hours, $50.

The first lesson is free.

Lesson structure:

  1. Lecture (2 hours)
  2. Recitation (2 hours)
  3. Test (2 hours)


  • Mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry, ...)
  • Physics
  • Earth Science
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Environment Science


  • Mathematics: 917-318-2427
  • Physics and Earth Science: 718-223-0228
  • Chemistry, Biology, and Environment Science: 646-338-5121

Email: admin@TutorState.com

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Социальная сеть: Совет Народных Комиссаров, SowNar.Com

Our People's Commissars

  1. Tudor Spataru


People's Commissariat for Agriculture: Commissar (vacant)
  1. XML Manual(Rus)
People's Commissariat for Military Affairs: Commissars (vacant)
  1. Игра "…очистить все клетки"/Game
  2. Puzzle
People's Commissariat for Naval Affairs: Commissar (vacant)
  1. New York Kabbalah Group Purim Celebration
People's Commissariat for Trade and Industry: Commissar (vacant)
  1. The compound and method of mercury affected objects cleaning
  2. New York Limousine Luxury Service: LuxLim
  3. Musician style punk rock clothing and t-shirts
  4. Wholesale Shipping Supplies
  5. Printet T-Shirts
  6. For sale – CONDO: West Palm Beach


People's Commissariat for Education:Commissar (vacant)
  1. Laboratory evening discussion
  2. New York Structural Biology Discussion Group- 4th Winter Meeting
  3. Tutoring in Mat', Physics, Computer Science
  4. Tutoring in Chemistry
  5. University Physics I
  6. University Physics II
  7. University Physics II (Fall 2008)
  8. Sownar Information for Webmasters
  9. The Phenomenon of Information (Rus) / ФЕНОМЕН ИНФОРМАЦИИ
  10. The Physics of Everyday Phenomena


People's Commissariat for Food: Commissar (vacant)
  1. [url]www.ranin.ru[/url] - сайт танцевальной студии "Ранин"
  2. Rudy Merson: unique artist, painter and photographer
  3. Arts. Artist: Galina Lampert
  4. Jaime Clay Art


People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs: Commissar (vacant)
  1. Israel
  2. Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili


People's Commissariat for Interior Affairs: Commissar: (vacant)
  1. Norillag
  2. Archive of the Jewish Woman
  3. Information Security
  4. Soviet Propaganda Posters


People's Commissariat for Justice: Commissar: (vacant)
  1. MEMOIRS/ ВоспоминанияА.И.Лебедь, Гейнц Гудериан, Светлана Аллилуева, Михаил Горбачев, Никита Сергеевич Хрущев, Уинстон Черчилль, Валерий Аграновский, …


People's Commissariat for Labour: Commissar: (vacant)
  1. Environmental Health Center (Old site)
  2. Environmental Health Center (New site)


People's Commissariat of Nationalities: Commissar: (vacant)
  1. Mountain Jews
  2. Tefillin


People's Commissariat for Post and Telegraph:Commissar (vacant)
  1. New York blowing snow
  2. Snow covered table and chairs on balcony
  3. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York, USA
  4. Bay Ridge 41st annual ragamuffin parade/
  5. Shore Road, Brooklyn, New York, USA
  6. Shore Road Park
  7. Brooklyn: After Celebration
  8. Pictures of a Snowy Day
  9. Puerto Rico Vacation
People's Commissariat of Railways: (vacant)
  1. Помню из детства. Чегем./ This is what I remember from my childhood. Chegem. (Rus)


People's Commissariat of Finance: Commissar (vacant)

SowNar.Com blogspot wordpress vkontakte.ru StumbleUpon twitter livejournal livejournal xanga myspace digg liveinternet.ru facebook/pages admin@SowNar.Com

Test Information & Preparation: AP, ACT, ASVAB, CUNY, CLEP, GED, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, NCLEX, NLN, NYBI, NYSTCE, NYC, PSAT, NMSQT), Regents, SAT,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Regents Exams and Review Tutor: 718-223-0228, admin@TutorState.com

Regents Exams and Review Tutor: 718-223-0228, admin@TutorState.com

Science Regents Examinations: Physical Setting/Earth Science


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